Dr. Mihael "Miha" Mohorčič
- Role: Senior Researcher
- Joined: October, 1994
- Affiliations: Jožef Stefan Institute
- Research Interests: cognitive radio networks, cross-layer protocol design and optimization, smart applications of wireless sensor networks, dynamic composition of communication services, and wireless experimental testbeds.
Dr. Mihael Mohorcic (DrSc in ElecEng from University of Ljubljana, 2002) is head of the Department of Communication Systems and Scientific Advisor at the Jozef Stefan Institute, and associate professor at the Jozef Stefan International Postgraduate School. His research and working experience include development and performance evaluation of network protocols and architectures for mobile and wireless communication systems, and resource management in terrestrial, stratospheric and satellite networks. His recent research interest is focused on cognitive radio networks, cross-layer protocol design and optimization, “smart” applications of wireless sensor networks, dynamic composition of communication services and wireless experimental testbeds. He participated in several COST actions and FP projects considering terrestrial & satellite mobile communications, stratospheric telecommunication systems and wireless sensor networks, as well as in basic and applied national projects. Currently he is involved in three ongoing FP7 projects (CITI-SENSE, Fed4FIRE, SUNSEED) and one H2020 project (eWINE); and he leads a national applied research project on advanced ray-tracing techniques in radio environment characterization and radio localization (L2-7664). He is author or co-author of more than 140 refereed journal and conference papers, co-author of two books published by John Wiley & Sons, contributor to 9 book chapters (5 published by Springer) and co-author of one US patent. He regularly serves as Technical Program Committee member to various international conferences and workshops, is a member of editorial board of the Electrotechnical Review (ISSN: 0013-5852) and of the International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (ISSN: 1550-1329), and was a guest editor to the Special issue on research methodologies for performance evaluation of wireless network solutions in EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (ISSN 1687-1472). He is Senior Member of IEEE (VTS and ComSoc).
- Broadband Communications via High-Altitude Platforms2015
- COBISS: 29101095
- ISBN: 978-7-118-10142-3
- Broadband Communications via High-Altitude Platforms2010
- COBISS: 23992615
- ISBN: 978-0-47069-445-9
- Service Efficient Network Interconnection via Satellite: EU Cost Action 2532001
- COBISS: 16359975
- ISBN: 0-471-48669-8
Books Chapters:
- On-Premise Artificial Intelligence as a Service for Small and Medium Size Setups2023
- Low-Cost Testbed Development and Its Applications in Cognitive Radio Prototyping2015
- Routing and Traffic Engineering in Dynamic Packet-Oriented Networks2012
- Systems and Services2007
- Wireless Networks2006
- Usmerjanje Z Upoštevanjem Vrste Prometa v Nepovezavnih Paketnih Negeostacionarnih Satelitskih Omrežjih2004
- Wireless Networks2004
- Strategic Scenarios and Feasibility Studies2002
- Network Aspects of Dynamic Satellite Multimedia Systems2002
- Dinamično Dodeljevanje Kanalov v Mobilnih Komunikacijskih Sistemih2001
- Iterative Localization Techniques: Patent US8565106 (B2)2013
- The Role of Age of Information in Enhancing Short-Term Energy ForecastingEnergy, 2025
- Towards the Standardization of Energy Efficiency Metrics of the AI Lifecycle in 6G and Beyond2024 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN): 25-27 Nov. 2024, 2024
- Self-Supervised Visual Exploration of Age of Information Process in IoT2024 IEEE 10th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT): November 10-13, 2024 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 2024
- Metrika Starosti Informacije in Njena Vloga v Vzdržnih Omrežjih PrihodnostiElektrotehniški vestnik online, 2024
- Visibility Graphs-Based Time Series Segmentation With Louvain Community DetectionZbornik triintridesete mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2024: Portorož, Slovenija, 26. - 27. september 2024, 2024
- Spectrum Sensing With Deep Clustering: Label-Free Radio Access Technology RecognitionIEEE open journal of the Communications Society, 2024
- Validation of Solution for People Tracking and Counting Using WiFi Network MessagesEUCNC & 6G Summit 2024: Antwerp – Belgium, 3 – 6 June 2024, 2024
- Large-Scale Site Diversity Experiment in Ljubljana and Budapest at Ka-Band With Alphasat SatelliteEuCAP 2024: 18th European Conference on Antennas & Propagation, 2024
- Energy Efficient Deep Multi-Label on/OFF Classification of Low Frequency Metered Home AppliancesIEEE access, 2024
- Exploring Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks for Interpretable Time Series Classification2024
- The Energy Cost of Artificial Intelligence of Things Lifecycle2024
- Smart Home Energy Cost Minimisation Using Energy Trading With Deep Reinforcement LearningBuildSys'23: proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation, 2023
- Self-Supervised Learning for Clustering of Wireless Spectrum ActivityComputer Communications, 2023
- Deep Feature Learning for Wireless Spectrum DataIEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (IEEE MEDITCOM 2023): 4-7 September 2023 in Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2023
- Dimensioning Wireless Embedded Test Environments to Support Continuous IntegrationIEEE INFOCOM 2023 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS): May 20, 2023 in Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, 2023
- GNN for Wireless Link Anomaly DetectionIEEE INFOCOM 2023 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS): May 20, 2023 in Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, 2023
- Area Under Time Series Transformation for Home Appliance Classification2023 19th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob): 21-23 June 2023, Montreal, Canada, 2023
- Learning to Detect Wireless Spectrum Occupancy Using Clustering Approaches2023 19th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob): 21-23 June 2023, Montreal, Canada, 2023
- HANNA: Human-Friendly Provisioning and Configuration of Smart DevicesEngineering applications of artificial intelligence, 2023
- Feature Management for Machine Learning Operation Pipelines in AI Native NetworksBalkanCom 2023, 2023 International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalkanCom) took place 5-8 June 2023 in İstanbul, Turkey, 2023
- XAI for Self-Supervised Clustering of Wireless Spectrum ActivityBalkanCom 2023, 2023 International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalkanCom) took place 5-8 June 2023 in İstanbul, Turkey, 2023
- Cross-Polarization Discrimination Interference Analysis of Alphasat Satellite Measurements in Ka and Q BandsEuropean Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP: [Florence, Italy, March 26 - 31, 2023], 2023
- Site Diversity Experiment in Q-Band Satellite Communications in Slovenia and HungaryAntennas and wireless propagation letters, 2023
- Non-Intrusive Privacy-Preserving Approach for Presence Monitoring Based on WiFi Probe RequestsSensors, 2023
- Smart Infrastructures: Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Lifecycle AutomationIEEE industrial electronics magazine, 2023
- Deep Feature Learning for Wireless Spectrum Data2023
- XAI for Self-Supervised Clustering of Wireless Spectrum Activity2023
- Towards Sustainable Deep Learning for Wireless Fingerprinting LocalizationICC 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Communications: 16-20 May 2022, 2022
- Tropospheric Scintillation Fading Analysis of Alphasat Satellite Measurements in Ka and Q Bands16th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) 2022, Madrid, Spain, 2022
- On-Premise Artificial Intelligence as a Service for Small and Medium Size Setups2022
- Towards Sustainable Deep Learning for Wireless Fingerprinting Localization2022
- Performance Evaluation of COINS Framework for Wireless Network AutomationEuropean Conference on Networks and Communications, 2021
- Improving CSI-Based Massive MIMO Indoor Positioning Using Convolutional Neural NetworkEuropean Conference on Networks and Communications, 2021
- UWB Radio-Based Motion Detection System for Assisted LivingSensors, 2021
- Learning to Fairly Classify the Quality of Wireless LinksWONS 2021, 16th Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference, 9-11th March 2021: Virtual Conference, 2021
- Fade Slope Analysis of Alphasat Satellite Measurements at Ka and Q BandsEuCAP 2021, 2021
- Machine Learning for Wireless Link Quality Estimation: A SurveyIEEE Communications surveys and tutorials, 2021
- Alphasat Propagation Measurements at Ka- And Q- Bands in Ljubljana: Three Years Statistical AnalysisIEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters, 2021
- Time-to-Provision Evaluation of Iot Devices Using Automated Zero-Touch ProvisioningGLOBECOM 2020, 2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 7-11 December 2020: virtual proceedings, 2020
- Automatic Detection of Wireless TransmissionsIEEE access, 2020
- On Designing a Machine Learning Based Wireless Link Quality ClassifierIEEE PIMRC 2020, 31st Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications, 31 August - 3 September 2020, London, UK: virtual conference, 2020
- Self-Calibrated UWB Based Device-Free Indoor Localization and Activity Detection ApproachEuropean Conference on Networks and Communications, 2020
- Performance Evaluation of CANCAR Algorithm in Realistic Wireless Mesh NetworksWireless personal communications, 2020
- High Precision Wide Bandwidth DC Current Transducer Based on the Platiše Flux SensorSensors, 2020
- Time-to-Provision Evaluation of IoT Devices Using Automated Zero-Touch Provisioning2020
- Whitelisting in RFDMA NetworksIEEE access, 2019
- Automated Initial Configuration of Wireless Embedded Devices in the Internet ThingsBalkanCOM 2019, 5G and beyond, 2019
- Passive Ultra-Wideband Coarse Localization and Activity Detection System for Assisted LivingConference proceedings, 2019
- Secure Hybrid Publish-Subscribe Messaging ArchitectureSoftCOM 2019, 2019
- Evaluation of Range-Based Indoor Tracking Algorithms by Merging Simulation and MeasurementsEURASIP Journal on wireless communications and networking, 2019
- Network and Traffic Design Aspects in Network-Coding-Enabled Wireless NetworksInternational Journal of Computers, Communications & Control, 2019
- Prediction Model of Fade Duration Statistics for Satellite Communications at Ka and Q BandsIEEE transactions on antennas and propagation, 2019
- Modelling of Fade Duration Statisticsin Earth-Satellite Slant Pathsusing CopulasEuCAP 2019, 2019
- Continuous Integration in Wireless Technology DevelopmentIEEE communications magazine, 2018
- CANCAR - Congestion-Avoidance Network Coding-Aware Routing for Wireless Mesh NetworksTransactions on internet and information systems, 2018
- Combining Measurements and Simulations for Evaluation of Tracking AlgorithmsEUCNC 2018: 27th European Conference on Networks and Communications, 2018
- Integrating Research Testbeds Into Social Coding PlatformsEUCNC 2018: 27th European Conference on Networks and Communications, 2018
- SAAM: Supporting Active Ageing: Use Cases and User-Side ArchitectureEUCNC 2018: 27th European Conference on Networks and Communications, 2018
- A Methodology for Experimental Evaluation of Signal Detection Methods in Spectrum SensingPloS one, 2018
- Improving Indoor Localization Using Convolutional Neural Networks on Computationally Restricted DevicesIEEE access, 2018
- Automatic Detection and Query of Wireless Spectrum Events From Streaming Data2018
- Rain Attenuation Prediction Model Based on Hyperbolic Cosecant Copula for Multiple Site Diversity Systems in Satellite CommunicationsIEEE transactions on antennas and propagation, 2017
- Software Interfaces for Control, Optimization and Update of 5G Machine Type Communication NetworksComputer networks: the international journal of computer and telecommunications networking, 2017
- Povezovanje Naprav v Heterogenih in Zgoščenih Komunikacijskih Okoljih Omrežjih 5GOmrežja 5G za digitalno preobrazbo: zbornik referatov, 2017
- Discrete Transmit Power Devices in Dense Wireless Networks: Methodology and Case StudyIEEE access, 2017
- Distributed REM-Assisted Radio Resource Management in LTE-a NetworksWireless personal communications, 2017
- NLOS Channel Detection With Multilayer Perceptron in Low - Rate Personal Area Networks for Indoor Localization Accuracy ImprovementZbornik: 1. del, 2016
- Some Initial Results and Observations From a Series of Trials Within the Ofcom TV White Spaces Pilot2015 IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), Glasgow, Scotland, 11-14 May 2015: proceedings, 2015
- OSU Teaching Tool - Observe, Infer, ActVzgoja in izobraževanje v informacijski družbi - VIVID 2015: zbornik referatov, 2015
- An Architecture for Fully Reconfigurable Plug-and-Play Wireles Sensor Network TestbedIEEE GLOBECOM 2015: connecting all through communications, 2015
- Autonomous Environmental Monitoring as Part of Smart Community InfrastructureDelavnica Pametna mesta in skupnosti kot razvojna priložnost Slovenije: zbornik 18. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba - IS 2015, 12. oktober 2015, [Ljubljana, Slovenia], 2015
- The Initiative PaMetSkupDelavnica Pametna mesta in skupnosti kot razvojna priložnost Slovenije: zbornik 18. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba - IS 2015, 12. oktober 2015, [Ljubljana, Slovenia], 2015
- Online Short-Term Forecasting of Photovoltaic Energy ProductionThe Sixth Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT2015) , February 17-20, 2015, Washington, USA, 2015
- Developing API for Efficient and Secure Access to IoT Resources and DataZbornik: 2. del, 2015
- The Indirect Self-Tuning Method for Constructing Radio Environment Map Using Omnidirectional or Directional Transmitter AntennaEURASIP Journal on wireless communications and networking, 2015
- Coexistence of Wireless Systems for Remote Monitoring of Vital Functions in the Unlicensed ISM BandProceedings, 2015
- A Framework for Dynamic Composition of Communication ServicesACM transactions on sensor networks, 2015
- Design Trade-Offs for the Wireless Management Networks of Constrained Device TestbedsProceedings, 2014
- Radio Environment Maps: The the Survey of Construction MethodsTransactions on internet and information systems, 2014
- Postopki Gradnje Kart Radijskega OkoljaElektrotehniški vestnik, 2014
- Smartphone With Augmented Gateway Functionality as Opportunistic WSN Gateway DeviceWireless personal communications, 2014
- Power Allocation Game for Interference Mitigation in a Real-World Experimental TestbedProceedings, 2014
- Signalling Analysis for Traffic Class Dependent Routing in Packet Switched ISL NetworksSpace communications, 2013
- Voice Over Internet Protocol in Wireless Mesh Networks With Opportunistic Network CodingInternational journal of communications, 2013
- Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Ant-Based Control Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks Using OPNET ModelerOPNETWORK 2013: August 26-29, 2013, Washington, USA, 2013
- Experimental Analysis of Wireless Temporary Networks Deployed by Low Altitude PlatformsIEEE CAMAD 2013, 2013
- Mesh Network Over the Rime Stack Using VESNA PlatformsProceedings of the ... Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ..., 2013
- Analysis of the Basic Topology Structure for Neighbourhood Network Coding Aware RoutingProceedings of the ... Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ..., 2013
- Wireless Sensor Network Based Infrastructure for Experimentally Driven ResearchISWCS'13, 2013
- Performance Evaluation of VoIP Codecs Over Network Coding in Wireless Mech NetworksRecent advances in electronics and communication systems: proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Electronics and Communication Systems, (ECS 2013), July 16-19, 2013, Rhodes Island, Greece, 2013
- Airborne Base Stations for Emergency and Temporary EventsPSATS 2013, 2013
- Sensor as a Service Using the VESNA Sensor PlatformZbornik, 2013
- Network Coding Aware Routing for Performance Boost in Wireless-Mesh-NetworkZbornik, 2013
- Airborne Base Stations for Emergency and Temporary Events2013
- Vloga Eksperimentalnega Senzorskega Omrežja LOG-a-TEC Pri Razvoju Senzorske Infrastrukture in StoritevPametna mesta: zbornik referatov, 2012
- Simulation Model for Ant-Based Control Algorithm in Wireless Mesh NetworksZbornik enaindvajsete mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2012, 17.-19. september 2012, Portorož, Slovenija, 2012
- Metadata Management for the Web of Things: A Practical PerspectivePervasive 2012: workshops, June 18-22, 2012, Newcastle, UK, 2012
- Development of Discovery and Identification Protocol for Sensor NetworksZbornik, 2012
- Mobile Terminal as Opportunistic Sensor Network Device for Research on Cognitive Radio NetworksZbornik, 2012
- Improving Performance of Wireless Mesh Networks With Network CodingZbornik, 2012
- VESNA Based Platform for Spectrum Sensing in ISM BandsZbornik, 2012
- Napredno Upravljanje Stvari v Pametnih MestihVITEL: zbornik referatov, 2012
- Game Theory Application for Performance Optimisation in Wireless NetworksElektrotehniški vestnik, 2011
- ETX-Based Metrics and Adapted Routing Algorithms for Network CodingZbornik dvajsete mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2011, 19.-21. september 2011, Portorož, Slovenija, 2011
- Uporaba Teorije Iger v Brezžičnih OmrežjihZbornik dvajsete mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2011, 19.-21. september 2011, Portorož, Slovenija, 2011
- The Role of High-Altitude Platforms (HAPs) in the Global Wireless ConnectivityProceedings of the IEEE, 2011
- Connecting Contiki Enabled Versatile Sensor Nodes via CC1101 RadioZbornik prispevkov, 2011
- Versatile Sensor Node in Environmental ApplicationsWorkshop papers, 2011
- Bluetooth-Based Mobile Gateway for Wireless Sensor NetworkWorkshop papers, 2011
- Wireless Sensor Network Testbed on Public Lighting InfrastructureWorkshop papers, 2011
- WSN Testbed for Lighting Control and Environmental MonitoringZbornik prispevkov, 2011
- Exposing Real World Information for the Web of ThingsIIWeb2011, 2011
- Uporaba Vsestranskega Senzorskega Vozlišča Za Podporo Okoljskim AplikacijamInternet stvari: zbornik referatov, 2011
- Postavitev Senzorskega Omrežja Na Infrastrukturi Javne RazsvetljaveInternet stvari: zbornik referatov, 2011
- Bit Error Rate Analysis for an OFDM System With Channel Estimation in a Nonlinear and Frequency-Selective Fading ChannelEURASIP Journal on wireless communications and networking, 2011
- Closed-Form BER Expression for OFDM With Pilot-Assisted Channel Estimation in a Nonlinear Multipath Fading ChannelIEEE ICCS 2010, 2010
- ISM Bands Spectrum Sensing Based on Versatile Sensor Node PlatformConference proceedings, 2010
- Integrating Custom Hardware Into Sensor WebSoftCOM 2010, 2010
- A Local Knowledge Base for the Media Independent Information SystemFuture internet - FIS 2009: second future internet symposium, FIS 2009, Berlin, Germany, September 1-3, 2009, 2010
- VSN - An Open Platform for Wireless Sensor NetworksZbornik devetnajste mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2010, Portorož, Slovenija, 20.-22. september 2010, 2010
- Comparison of Clipping and Companding PAPR Reduction Techniques in OFDM SystemZbornik devetnajste mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2010, Portorož, Slovenija, 20.-22. september 2010, 2010
- Porting Contiki Operating System to ARM Cortex-M3 Based VSN PlatformZbornik devetnajste mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2010, Portorož, Slovenija, 20.-22. september 2010, 2010
- Selection of Appropriate Tool for VSN Sensor Networks SimulationZbornik devetnajste mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2010, Portorož, Slovenija, 20.-22. september 2010, 2010
- SIB: Senzorsko Instrumentacijsko Vodilo Za Modularno Krmiljenje Električne Moči in Energijejournal of microelectronics, electronic components and materials, 2010
- Two-Tiered Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring in AgricultureBioSense09, 2009
- Bluetooth-Based Wireless Sensor Node for Environmental Data MonitoringBioSense09, 2009
- On Remote Sensing Techniques in AgricultureBioSense09, 2009
- A Local Knowledge Base for Service Oriented Access Network SelectionSIGCOMM'09: procedings of the 2009 SIGCOMM Conference and co-located Workshops MobiHeld'09, PRESTO'09, VISA'09, WOSN'09, & WREN'09, August 17-21, 2009, Barcelona, Spain, 2009
- Demonstration: Wireless Access Network Selection Enabled by Semantic TechnologiesProceedings, 2009
- Virtual Multiple Input Multiple Output in Multiple High-Altitude Platform ConstellationsIET communications, 2009
- Evaluation of Wavelength Requirements for Stratospheric Optical Transport NetworksJournal of communications, 2009
- Two-Tiered Wireless Sensor Network Based on ZigBee and GPRS TechnologiesZbornik Osemnajste mednarodne elektrotehniške in računalniške konference - ERK 2009, 21-23. september 2009, Portorož, Slovenija, 2009
- Implementation of the Bluetooth Wireless Sensor NodeZbornik Osemnajste mednarodne elektrotehniške in računalniške konference - ERK 2009, 21-23. september 2009, Portorož, Slovenija, 2009
- Impact of Quantization Channel Estimation in OFDM Communication SystemFinal program and abstract, 2009
- Modelling of Radio Coverage by Using the Open Source System GRASSZbornik Osemnajste mednarodne elektrotehniške in računalniške konference - ERK 2009, 21-23. september 2009, Portorož, Slovenija, 2009
- Rate-Compatible Punctured DVB-S2 LDPC Codes for DVB-SH ApplicationsConference joint program, 2009
- Dynamic Composition of Service for End-to-End Information TransportIEEE wireless communications, 2009
- Propagation Impairment Countermeasures in Mobile Stratospheric Operating EnvironmentVTC-2009-spring Barcelona: defining the future wireless landscape, 2009
- Trends in the Development of Communication Networks: Cognitive NetworksComputer networks: the international journal of computer and telecommunications networking, 2009
- UML Modeliranje Procedur v IEEE 802.16e StandarduElektrotehniški vestnik, 2008
- Multiobjective Optimization of Service Delivery Over a Heterogeneous Wireless Access SystemISWCS'08: proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Sysmposium on Wireless Communication Systems, 21-24 October 2008, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2008
- Performance Comparison of Adaptive Coding and Modulation in HAP Based IEEE 802.16 and DVB-S2 SystemsResponsive communication systems and services, 2008
- On Transmission Modes Subset Selection in DVB-S2/RCS Satellite SystemsConference proceedings, 2008
- SmartA: Developing an Architecture for Cognitive Wireless NetworksLANMAN2008, 2008
- Advanced Access Architecture for Efficient Service Delivery in Heterogeneous Wireless NetworsProceedings, 2008
- Target BER Driven Adaptive Coding and Modulation in HAP Based DVB-S2 SystemProceedings, 2008
- Daljinsko Merjenje in Upravljanje Preko Omrežja TETRAjournal of microelectronics, electronic components and materials, 2008
- Wavelength Requirements in Optical Transport Networks Based on High-Altitude PlatformsProceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP): 23-25 July 2008, Graz University of Technology, Graz Austria, 2008
- The Other Way to Join FP7eCollaboration: overcoming boundaries through multi-channel interaction, 2008
- A Channel Model of Atmospheric Impairment for the Design of Adaptive Coding and Modulation in Stratospheric CommunicationWSEAS transactions on communications, 2008
- Network Architectures Exploiting Multiple HAP Constellations for Load BalancingWSEAS transactions on communications, 2008
- A Framework for Developing a Microchip PIC Microcontroller Based ApplicationsWSEAS transactions on advances in engineering education, 2008
- DVB-S2 Adaptive Coding and Modulation for HAP Communication SystemVTC2008-spring: mobile media: ubiquity and convergence, 2008
- Modelling of Atmospheric Impairments in Mobile Propagation Channel for Stratospheric Communications2nd SatNEx JA2310 Workshop, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany: April 17-18, 2008, 2008
- Modelling of Atmospheric Impairments in Stratospheric CommunicationsCircuits, systems, signal & communications: proceedings of the 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Signal and Telecommunications (CISST'08), Acapulco, Mexico, January 25-27, 2008, 2008
- Anomaly Detection in Computer Networks Using Linear SVMsZbornik 10. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba - IS 2007, 8.-12. oktober 2007: zvezek A, 2007
- Utilisation of LDPC Decoder Parameters in DVB-S2 ACM ProceduresConference proceedings, 2007
- Network Architectures for Load Balancing in Multi-HAP NetworksProceedings of the 4th IASME/WSEAS International conference on Engineering education, (EE'07): July 24-26, 2007, Agios Nikolaos, Crete Island, 2007
- MPICds: Modular Application Development System for the Microchip's PIC Microcontroller FamilyProceedings of the 4th IASME/WSEAS International conference on Engineering education, (EE'07): July 24-26, 2007, Agios Nikolaos, Crete Island, 2007
- Evaluation of CINR in Multiple HAP Constellation Considering Terrain ConfigurationProceedings, 2007
- Channel Decoder Assisted Adaptive Coding and Modulation for HAP CommunicationsVTC2007-spring: towards truly ubiquitous wireless systems, 2007
- Access to Broadband Services on TrainsBrezžični širokopasovni dostop, 2007
- Uporaba Adaptivnih Kodno-Modulacijskih Postopkov Pri Zagotavljanju Brezžičnega Širokopasovnega DostopaBrezžični širokopasovni dostop, 2007
- Oscillation Suppression for Traffic Class Dependent Routing in ISL NetworkIEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems, 2007
- Interference Analysis of DVB-T Terrestrial Service on DVB-S Satellite Services in the Ku Frequency BandWSEAS transactions on communications, 2007
- Coexistence Analysis of DVB-S Satellite Services With DVB-T Based Terrestrial Service in the 11.7-12.5 GHz Frequency BandProceedings of the WSEAS International Conferences, Venice, Italy, November 20-22, 2006, 2006
- HAP Based Optical Transport Network DesignZbornik petnajste mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2006, 25. - 27. september 2006, Portorož, Slovenija, 2006
- Evaluation of Diversity Gain and System Capacity Increase in a Multiple HAP SystemFuture satellite communication: new systems, protocol and services: proceedings of the 2006 International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications (IWSSC2006), 14th-15th September 2006, Leganés (Madrid), Spain, 2006
- Analysis of HAP Propagation Channel Measurement DataProceedings, 2006
- Optical Transport Network Based on a Meshed HAP System With Interplatform LinksASMS 2006, 2006
- Integrating Users Into Wider Broadband Network via High Altitude PlatformsIEEE wireless communications, 2005
- Telecommunication Network Over High Altitude PlatformsProceedings of papers. Vol. 2, 2005
- Empirical Propagation Channel Model for High Altitude Platform Communication SystemsJoint conference 2005, 2005
- Hybrid HAP-Satellite Architecture for Reliable Multicast TransmissionsJoint conference 2005, 2005
- IP Mobility Architecture for High Altitude Platform NetworksInternational Workshop on High Altitude Platform Systems - WHAPS '05: in conjunction with the Mediterranean Microwaves Symposium 2005,(MMS 2005), 2005
- CAPANINA - Communications From Aerial Platform Networks Delivering Broadband Information for All[Proceedings], 2005
- Adaptive Coding and Modulation for Mobile Wireless Access via High Altitude PlatformsWireless personal communications, 2005
- Traffic Class Dependent Routing in ISL Networks With Adaptive Forwarding Based on Local Link Load InformationSpace communications, 2004
- Traffic Class Dependent Routing in ISL NetworksIEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems, 2004
- Analysis of Scheduling in Wireless Access SystemsZbornik trinajste mednarodne elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2004, 27. - 29. september 2004, Portorož, Slovenija, 2004
- The Impact of Different Scheduling Policies on Traffic Class Dependent Routing in Intersatellite Link NetworksInternational journal of satellite communications and networking, 2004
- Provision of Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Over Stratospheric PlatformsElektrotehniški vestnik, 2004
- Boradband Communications From Aerial Platform NetworksProceedings, 2004
- Developing Aggregate Traffic Intensity Model for Performance Evaluation of Global Satellite SystemsTowards a global wireless world, 2004
- Routing in ISL Network With Adaptive Forwarding Based on Local Link InformationWSEAS transactions on computers, 2004
- Routing in ISL Network With Adaptive Forwarding Based on Local Link InformationProceedings of the WSEAS International Conferences: 3rd WSEAS International Conference on Software Engineering, Parallel & Distributed Systems, SEPADS 2004 [and] 3rd WSEAS International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering, Data Bases, AIKED 2004 [and]3rd WSEAS International Conference on Electronics, Hardware, Wireless & Optical Communications, EHAC 2004 [and] 3rd WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing, Robotics and Automation, ISPRA 2004: Salzburg, Austria, february 13-15, 2004, 2004
- Routing in ISL Networks Considering Empirical IP TrafficIEEE journal on selected areas in communications, 2004
- Non-Geostationary Satellite Constellations for the Access to Braodband Communication ServicesElektrotehniški vestnik, 2003
- Oscillation Suppression Link-Cost Function for Adaptive Routing in Packet-Switched ISL NetworkProceedings, 2003
- Demographically Weighted Traffic Flow Models for Adaptive Routing in Packet-Switched Non-Geostationary Satellite Meshed NetworksComputer networks: the international journal of computer and telecommunications networking, 2003
- Provision of Wireless Access Over High Altitude PlatformsProceedings, 2003
- The Impact of Different Scheduling Policies on Traffic Class Dependent Routing in Intersatellite Link NetworkProceedings of the First International Conference on Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems, ASMS 2003: 10-11 July 2003, Frascati, Italy, 2003
- Traffic Class Dependent Routing in ISL Network With Adaptive Forwarding Based on Local Link Load InformationSatellite communications-from fade mitigation to service provision: international workshop of COST actions 272 and 280, 26-28 May 2003, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 2003
- Satellite Chanel Prioritisation Techniques in Integrated Satellite/Terrestrial Mobile NetworksElektrotehniški vestnik, 2003
- Adaptive Routing for Packet-Oriented Intersatellite Link Networks: Performance in Various Traffic ScenariosIEEE transactions on wireless communications, 2002
- Analysis Od Adaptive Alternate Link Routing in ISL NetworksElektrotehniški vestnik, 2002
- Traffic Class Dependent Routing in ISL Networks Considering Various Traffic ScenariusMobile and personal satellite communications 5: proceedings of the Fifth European Workshop on Mobile/Personal Satcoms (EMPS 2002), [September 25-26, 2002 Baveno], 2002
- Delivering IP With QoS/CoS Over HeliNetProceedings, 2002
- Traffic Class Dependent Routing in Packet-Switched Non-Geostationary ISL NetworksProceedings, 2002
- Wireless IP Simulation Using OPNET ModelerProceedings, 2002
- Broadband Communications From HeliNet High Altitude PlatformsProceedings: DASIA 2002, DAta Systems in Aerospace, 2002
- Adaptive Packet Routing Based on Traffic Class Differentiation in Intersatellite Link NetworksWSEAS transactions on communications, 2002
- Discrete Link-Cost Function for Best Effort Adaptive Erouting in Packet-Switched Intersatellite Link NetworkWSEAS transactions on communications, 2002
- ECommerce Projects and Initiatives - IDEAL-IST Brokerage Event: Matchmaking in ERealityeReality: constructing the eEconomy, 2002
- Performance Evaluation of Adaptive Routing Algorithms in Packet-Switched Intersatellite Link NetworksInternational journal of satellite communications, 2002
- Alternate Link Routing for Traffic Engineering in Packet-Oriented ISL NetworksInternational journal of satellite communications, 2001
- Povezave Med Stratosferskimi Ploščadmi v Omrežju HeliNetZbornik desete Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2001, 24. - 26. september 2001, Portorož, Slovenija, 2001
- Adaptive Routing Analysis in ISL NetworkZbornik desete Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2001, 24. - 26. september 2001, Portorož, Slovenija, 2001
- Channel Allocation in Mobile Communication SystemsElektrotehniški vestnik, 2001
- Interplatform Link Requirements in the Network of High Altitude PlatformsLes communications par satellitess du nouveau millenaire: systèmes, services et technologies, 2001
- Link-Cost Function Analysis for Adaptive Routing in Packet-Oriented ISL NetworksLes communications par satellitess du nouveau millenaire: systèmes, services et technologies, 2001
- Broadband Fixed Wireless AccessTechnologies and communication services for the online society: proceedings, 2000
- HeliNet - Network of Stratospheric Platforms for the Provision of Navigation and Broadband Communication ServicesZbornik devete Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2000, 21. - 23. september 2000, Portorož, Slovenija, 2000
- Comparison of Adaptive Routing Algorithms in ISL Networks Considering Various Traffic ScenariosMobile and personal satellite communications 4: [proceedings of the Fourth European Workshop on Mobile/personal Satcoms (EMPS 2000) 18 September, 2000, London ], 2000
- Načrtovanje TETRA Sistema Za Prenos PodatkovMobilnost v telekomunikacijah: zbornik referatov, 2000
- Dodeljevanje Kanalov v Mobilnih Komunikacijskih SistemihZbornik osme Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK '99, 23. - 25. september 1999, Portorož, Slovenija, 1999
- Routing in Satellite Communication SystemsZbornik osme Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK '99, 23. - 25. september 1999, Portorož, Slovenija, 1999
- Terrestrial and Satellite Communications in Migration Process of Fixed and Mobile ServicesMobility and convergence of communication technologies: proceedings, 1998
- Mednarodna Standardizacija Oštevilčenja, Izkušnje Evropskih Držav in Zasnova Nacionalnega PlanaTelekomunikacije in sprejetje Slovenije v Evropsko unijo, 1998
- Satellite Visibility Considerations of Non-Geostationary Satellite SystemsZbornik šeste Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK '97, 25. - 27. september 1997, Portorož, Slovenija, 1997
- Design Aspects of Non-Geostationary Satellite Broadband NetworksZbornik šeste Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK '97, 25. - 27. september 1997, Portorož, Slovenija, 1997
- Razvoj v Smeri Tretje Generacije Mobilnih Komunikacijskih SistemovZbliževanje fiksnih in mobilnih omrežij ter storitev, 1997
- Performance Study of an Integrated Satellite/Terrestrial Mobile Communication SystemInternational journal of satellite communications, 1996
- Performance Evaluation of an Integrated Satellite/Terrestrial Mobile Communication System Based on LEO SatellitesRecueil des actes: Systèmes et seervices à petits satellites, 1996
- Satellite Channel Prioritisation Techniques in Integrated Satellite/Terrestrial Mobile NetworksICT'96: İstambul, 1996
- Satellite and Terrestrial Mobile Systems Integration in UMTSProceedings of the conference, 1996
- Multi-H Multi-Amplitude Continuous Phase Modulation TechniquesMobile and Personal Communications: proceedings of the 2nd Joint COST 227-231 Workshop on Mobile and Personal Communications, Florence, Italy, 20-21 April, 1995, 1995
- Call Blocking Performance for Channel Allocation Strategies in Integrated Satellite/Terrestrial Mobile SystemMobile and Personal Communications: proceedings of the 2nd Joint COST 227-231 Workshop on Mobile and Personal Communications, Florence, Italy, 20-21 April, 1995, 1995
- Non-Coherent Detection of MACPM Modulation Techniques in Mobile Radio Channel EnvironmentProceedings, 1995
- Pregled Modulacijskih Postopkov v Integriranih Mobilnih SistemihZbornik četrte Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK '95, 25. - 27. september 1995, Portorož, Slovenija, 1995
- Dodeljevanje Kanalov v Integriranih Satelitskih in Zemeljskih Mobilnih SistemihZbornik četrte Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK '95, 25. - 27. september 1995, Portorož, Slovenija, 1995
- Modelling of Micro-Cellular Mobile Communication SystemsApplied informatics: proceedings of the Thirteenth IASTED International Conference, Igls, Austria, February 21-23, 1995, 1995
- Modelling of Multi-Amplitude CPM SystemsApplied informatics: proceedings of the Thirteenth IASTED International Conference, Igls, Austria, February 21-23, 1995, 1995
- Call Blocking Performance for Dynamic Channel Allocation Strategies in Microcellular Mobile Communication SystemsProceedings, 1994
- CAP Modulation for Digital Subscriber AccessVITEL 94. Subscriber Access: proceedings, 1994